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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Purpose?

The purpose of blogging against theocracy? To be rude and crude? That is what I have seen thus far.

One might think, since there is a demonstration against, that there is actually a movement towards theocracy. And, in thinking so, become immediately hostile towards any people(s) felt to be instigating a forced and specific religion upon them. Hostile and reading a false message and cause into anything and everything that has to do with the group alleged to be a part of this endeavor. Amazing how that works.

Religion is not the enemy! It is merely the target of the moment.

Rather than stay with the arguments at hand, many have taken to saying it is the religious right this, religious right that. It can never be that the person came to the conclusion through facts discovered and analyzed. Oh no, it must be that the conclusion was tainted by religious beliefs and/or influence and therefore a religious belief being forced upon others. That is an allegation used to sway opinion, but that does not mean it is based in fact.

In reading some of the comments, I guess it is being suggested that some of these against theocracy peoples want pure science and are suggesting that it has not been thus far? Pure science includes pure facts that lead to pure answers. That would then mean that for them to follow their own wishes, they would have to take their assumptions out of "why" another came to the conclusions they did. Unless, it could be proven as an absolute, the allegations of religion and/or influence of the religious right would have to be taken out of the equation presented to whomever.

Obviously, we are all influenced by many factors. But to say that because one believes in God he or she cannot analyze and come to a true and accurate finding, is to, in itself, be a wrongful and inaccurate statement that distorts and is self-serving. It is an attempt to win an argument, not by the truth and the facts, but by attempting to taint the opponent in a hope the message will likewise be tainted in the minds of the recipients.

There is a fight to prevent religious discrimination? Amazing since the past few years has been to discriminate against anything Christian in public view. Amazing how one may dress up like a witch and yet not like Jesus, though Wicca is a belief as well. But then, that appears to be okay because it is not a Christian one.

With that said...

I found the personal insults towards Bob Ellis to be nothing more than rude and crude. A tactic utilized often by those who feel themselves somehow intellectually superior, but lacking in the ability to debate issues. Instead, they revert to name calling and personal attacks. Rather than give proof of whatever and consideration of facts presented to them -- they merely say their opinion over and over as though that in itself makes it so and anyone who doubts it is a moron.

Theocracy is a possibility that needs to be fought? I think some rude people need to find something constructive to do with their time, so they don't have to create a fantasy cause to defend against? A class in manners might not be a bad idea either.


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