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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, September 25, 2008

Herseth Sandlin/Lien on Special Rights for Homosexuals

From the South Dakota Family Policy Council's 2008 general election voter guide on special protections for homosexuals, comparing Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth with Republican challenger Chris Lien:

Support HR 3685 (2007), which granted employees special protections based on sexual preferences?

Stephanie Herseth: Y
Chris Lien: N


Anonymous said...

Another reason I'm voting for Stephanie this year. There's too much hate in Washington already.

Bob Ellis said...

Yes, there is too much hate of children, morality and the family in Washington already. Too bad Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is a party to some of that.

Chris Lien will help get us back on track, though. I'm looking forward to seeing him go to Washington.

Anonymous said...

It's really disgusting how joyfully and casually you condemn people. Just because a congresswoman wants to protect homosexuals from job discrimination does not mean that she HATES children. What kind of a person says something so ignorant?!

Christ would be appalled by what his "compassionate" followers have done to his religion, how they ignore his command to love their enemies and instead brand anyone who disagrees with them as hateful. It's really disgusting.

Bob Ellis said...

What kind of ignorant person claims protecting marriage, family and children is "hate?" That pot was black long before it branded the kettle thusly.

Seriously, though. If someone undermines the sanctity and stability of marriage, family and children, I don't exactly think it would be accurate to say they treasure those things.

What's truly disgusting is today's liberal war on morality, normality and everything good.

Anonymous said...

"Seriously, though. If someone undermines the sanctity and stability of marriage, family and children, I don't exactly think it would be accurate to say they treasure those things."

I can understand your opinion, but that's still a far cry from actually HATING children. For a Christian, you use some very ugly words. (But I'm sure you'll find a biblical excuse for yourself.)

Bob Ellis said...

You've just gotten too used to the cowardly "Christians," the ones too afraid somebody might call them names if they actually try to be the salt and light Christ called them to be. We're not all like that.

Christ himself used the word "hate" quite a bit himself. In serving two masters, he pointed out that a person trying to do this would love one and "hate" the other. He also pointed out that if someone considers following him, they should do so with such depth of love and dedication that in comparison they would "hate" their family members. He also said the world would "hate" people who follow him.

With the kind of animosity and all-out war the Left has declared on marriage, family, morality and normality (and given that children desperately need all these things to grow up healthy), I don't think "hate" is too strong a word for the devastation being done to our culture and the children in it.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, you're right - you're not all like that. Most of the Christians I know try as hard as they can to be compassionate, calm, and loving toward others. You, on the other hand, look for any biblical excuse you can find to justify your ugly, bitter, and disdainful tirades against any and all people who do not agree with your myopic worldview. If someone says it's wrong for you to insult a total stranger, you simply point to a Bible verse and you're magically absolved of all responsibility.

I think I've had just about all I can take of you and your blog. I feel very sorry for you, that you have to live your life with such constant hatred in your heart. You're lucky that Christ is so welcoming and forgiving, because anyone else with a modicum of self-respect would make every effort to avoid someone as condescending, ignorant, arrogant, and opportunistic as you. If Christ's message was about love and inclusion, yours is about furthering the divide that already separates this country. You do nothing to bring people together; you only incite agression, you only condemn the "enemy" for being wrong and evil, and pat yourself on the back for being right. How arrogant. How disgustingly self-righteous.

I saw the picture you posted on the other thread of what you looked like years ago. It makes me sad to think that such a handsome, friendly-looking young man could wind up a bitter, hateful old hypocrite who can do nothing but hate that which he cannot or will not understand.

I wonder if your wife, children, and friends can even look at you without profound pity in their eyes.

Bob Ellis said...

You've said that before Alex and you always come back.

Keep in mind that it was you who came to my website to condemn what I had to say, and it was homosexual activists that started the war on normality. Pro-family people didn't ask for this fight, but we're here until it's finished and society once again has a predominant understanding of right and wrong.

I think there's a part of you that really is searching for the truth; otherwise I really don't think you'd keep coming back like you do.

Christ said his truth would be a stumbling block to some. It isn't an easy truth. It's the most freeing and wonderful thing imaginable, if you can just admit your wrong, admit your sins, admit you need God's mercy and then receive that mercy.

But you have to do that first (admit you're a sinner, that you've been wrong, and that you NEED God's merciful forgiveness) before you can receive that forgiveness. That's what stops most people, yourself included I'm sure, from doing it: you just can't admit what you're doing is sin.

I understand that; I've been there. But salving it over and pretending it isn't what it is doesn't help. A cancer surgeon who was afraid to cut out tumors wouldn't be a very good cancer surgeon, would he? But the hurt, which is temporary, is intended to help you get better.

That's all Christ wants, and that's all I want.

I get angry, a righteous anger like Christ got when he saw the open sin and the misleading of the people into more sin, when I see the lies being sold onto hurting people. I'm pretty sure God is getting a belly-full of it, too.

But beyond that, I'm pretty darn happy. Far happier than I was when I was living a life of sin and telling myself I was alright without God. And when I'm not here refuting sin lies, I'm off somewhere else with my family and friends being pretty darn happy.

I was a soldier in the United States military once; it was hard work, but someone had to do it, and I'm proud I served there. Now I'm a different kind of soldier in a different kind of war. This one is hard--probably even harder in many ways--but it is even more worth it than my old job.

I hope someday you break free of the enemy's hold on you and we're both on the same side. If you don't come back to DV, that's your choice. But you'll go with my prayers for your life and your soul.

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