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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, September 22, 2008

ACLU Calling in MN Troops to Fight South Dakota Pro-Life Measure

The Anti-American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU) is going to be bringing in some foreign troops to help keep it safe to kill unborn children, according to the Democratic Underground:

If anyone has the first weekend in October free we need people to go to South Dakota to help stop a ballot initiative which would ban most abortions. The ACLU is providing transportation and all meals, the only cost to you would be lodging, and if you can't afford that there are scholarships available. If you have any friends who may be interested pass this information on to them as well, the ACLU is trying to find fifty more people to go on this trip so please let your friends know.

What, can't the pro-aborts find enough troops in the state of South Dakota to deceive other South Dakotans into voting against Initiated Measure 11?

Given that over 50,000 South Dakotans signed a petition to put this measure on the ballot--about 3 times what was needed--they probably do need some outside help.

Given that, and the fact that a KELO poll taken in 2006 indicated more than 70% of South Dakotans would support a bill just like IM 11, they have their work cut out for them.

Besides, the fact that they sold South Dakotans a bill of lies that year ("oh, if it only had exceptions, then we could support it") which is now transparently proven false by their renewed opposition (now that we DO have a measure with exceptions) isn't going to go over well with the people of South Dakota.

I don't think most South Dakotans appreciate being lied to and manipulated.

I don't know about you, but I think it's fun to watch ultra-liberals squirm when they know time is running out on their wickedness.

Tick tock!


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