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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dems Concede, Will Allow Offshore Drilling Ban to Expire

Fox News reports the Democrats are giving up and allowing a ban on offshore drilling to expire.

Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in a months-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer.

House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., told reporters Tuesday that a provision continuing the moratorium will be dropped this year from a stopgap spending bill to keep the government running after Congress recesses for the election.

It's not a done-deal yet, but it looks pretty good.

If Republicans would grow and maintain a spine, and fight like this more often, we might have some success at turning back some of the liberal rot that's held this great nation captive for more than 50 years.

Maybe Republicans will learn something from this...


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I like this. Republicans haven't shown that they have this country's best interests at heart when it comes to oil, so I worry what damage letting them win this fight will cause.

And I see you left out some important info in your "50 years of rot" statement. What about the last 8 or so years of conservative Republican rule that has eroded away our economy to the point where it's about to collapse?

Bob Ellis said...

Republicans don't have the country's best interest at heart with oil because...they think we should have more of it, and more of it being produced here at home?

You're right that Republicans haven't done very well with the past 8 years, but they were definitely not alone in the making of this mess, which came part from foolish risk on the part of the financial industry, and largely because politically correct government regulation pushed them to make many risky loans.

In fact, government meddling might have even encouraged a lot of that optional risk-taking; after all, our socialist government has spent the last 60 years or so bailing out every foolish person and entity around--they probably expected the government to provide a safety hammock.

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