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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Birds of Obama's Feather Flock Together

Birds of a feather flock together, as they say, and as the Bible says, bad company ruins good morals...that is, if one had them to begin with.

So it is interesting that while the "mainstream" media probes deeply into the faith of Sarah Palin and her prayers for our troops, they have no time to examine the associations of Barack Obama.

But WorldNetDaily takes a look at that guy who lives in Obama's neighborhood: Bill Ayers.

You know Bill: the member of the Weathermen 60s domestic terrorist group that bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and several other buildings. The one who said in the New York Times on September 11, 2001: "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."

Obviously Ayers is an unrepentent terrorist.

Obama has tried to distance himself from Ayers in the past, stating Ayers is just some guy who lives in his neighborhood, etc. But this article indicates Obama has had just a little more contact with him than bumping into him while buying a loaf of bread at the Quick Mart.

Though the "mainstream" media is keeping it as quiet and off the radar as they can, word is still getting out that Obama served on the board of Ayers' group, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. In fact, Obama lists this as one of his qualifications (though usually without the fact that Ayers founded the group).

Obama's work at the CAC brought him into more than casual contact with Ayers:

The documents show Ayers served as an ex-officio member of the board that Obama chaired through the CAC's first year. Ayers also served on the board's governance committee with Obama, and worked with him to craft CAC bylaws, according to the documents.

Ayers made presentations to board meetings chaired by Obama. Ayers also spoke for the Chicago School Reform Collaborative before Obama's board, while Obama periodically spoke for the board at meetings of the collaborative, the CAC documents reviewed by Kurtz show.

But Obama has worked with Ayers in other places:
In a widely circulated article, WND first reported Obama served on the board of the Wood's Fund, a liberal Chicago nonprofit, alongside Ayers from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund's website. According to tax filings, Obama received compensation of $6,000 per year for his service in 1999 and 2000.

The "Friends of Barack Obama" campaign fund lists a $200 campaign contribution from Ayers April 2, 2001.

The two appeared together as speakers at several public events, including a 1997 University of Chicago panel entitled, "Should a child ever be called a 'super predator?'" and another panel for the University of Illinois in April 2002 entitled, "Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?"

Bill Ayers isn't the only terrorist Obama has worked with:
Ayers' wife, Dohrn, also has served on panels with Obama. Dohrn was once on the FBI's Top 10 Most Wanted List and was described by J. Edgar Hoover as the "most dangerous woman in America." Ayers and Dohrn raised the son of Weathermen terrorist Kathy Boudin, who was serving a sentence for participating in a 1981 murder and robbery that left four people dead.

So beyond blowing up buildings, what do we know about how Ayers feels about the country in which he lives:
Kurtz notes that in his book, "Teaching Toward Freedom," Ayers states his goal is to "teach against oppression," which Kurtz says Ayers defines as "against America's history of evil and racism, thereby forcing social transformation."

Hmmm. That kinda fits closely with the sentiments expressed by Obama's racist, America-hating pastor Jeremiah Wright.

Recall also that Obama's wife Michelle said a few months ago that
"for the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country"

Is it just me, or is there a pattern here? Does Obama hang with people who despise America?

I don't know about you, but I love America passionately. And because people usually hang out with people with similar likes and dislikes, I tend to hang out with people who also love America.

So why does Barack Obama hang out with people who loathe our country and believe it is such an evil place?

Does that indicate anything about how Obama truly feels about our country?

Would you feel okay with Jeremiah Wright running America? Would you be okay with Bill Ayers running America?

How about someone who runs with people like that, but just has a little more polish?


Anonymous said...

HELLOOOOO...This is all OLD news. Have you been asleep the last 20 MONTHS when the press, the Republicans and even Hillary brought out Obama's associations? I just can't seriously believe Obama having a "radical" associations is the only thing the Republicans can hit him with. Have you done a background check on your neighbors? Do you AGREE with everything your pastor does? Does associating with someone who is corrupt make you corrupt? If so, then Americans need to vote against the ONLY man running who has been CENSURED BY CONGRESS FOR POOR JUDGEMENT in accepting money and influencing regulators on behalf of a CROOK. That is John McCain and he was one of the Keating 5. Want dirt? Look it up and see which candidate is more corrupt by association!

Anonymous said...

Please listen. This is extremely important. So Ayers presented stuff to Obama while he was chair, and appeared with him...and his campaign received a measely $200 from him this article claims. And because of this Obama's a terrorist? Do you expect us to believe what is clearly a stretch? Sure if you are predisposed against Barack Obama, this would be exciting gossip, but really, do you expect smart Dakotans to just believe these nonsensical associations?

This talk of Obama being a terrorist are part of the KarlRove/Steve Schmidt propagandist plot to attack Barack Obama because there is nothing they can find in his plan that would not work. Of late, McCain has even shifted positions to adapt his prescriptions, even entire ideas (i.e. government records online) in his statements.

Barack Obama is clean. He is probably one of the most upright and intelligent people to ever run for office. He is so clean they are having such a hard time pinning anything on him, now they try to pull these ridiculous accusations hoping it would worl. Barack Obvama has built his entire organization, from funding to staffing, to ideology, and policy as an organization designed to push for change from the failed bush policies of the past....these kinds of news reports, surely fanned by the Schmidt(who got Bush re-elected in 2004)/McCain strategy. We cannot continue to stretch the truth like this. It is not patriotic, it is not doing Americans any good.

Anonymous said...

No, this is not old news. This is glossed over news. And the link between ACORN, ACORN Housing and Obama has been glossed over, too. Obama is clean? Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Anonymous said...

No politician is clean. They are liars by trade, because they have to be.

Bob Ellis said...

I couldn't agree more, Anonymous 8:34, that it's old news. Funny how after all this time the "mainstream" media keeps ignoring it, though. That's the point; if you're one of the millions of Americans who relies on network TV news or the local paper with it's AP news feed, you're not going to hear about the fact that Obama runs with terrorists and other America-hating radicals.

Bob Ellis said...

Don't wake people up when they're sleeping so comfortably, eh Anonymous 8:42? Why disturb their slumber, huh?

I don't recall anyone saying Obama was a terrorist just because he associates with one. I, however, did say that Ayers and Obama's pastor and Obama's wife Michelle obviously have a high level of disdain for our country...and since birds of a feather usually flock together, do we want someone who loathes our country (even if he hides it well) to run our country?

I'll ask again: do we want someone who loathes our country and it's wonderful ideals to run that country?

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