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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Islamic Coke Cans

The Turkish division of Coca-Cola has just completed a design agreement for a new line of Coke cans that will mark the Muslim holiday of Ramadan.

Digital Arts Online reports the cans will feature the Islamic symbol of the crescent moon and star. They will be distributed throughout parts of the Middle East, North Africa and as far east as Indonesia.

News of the Islamic-friendly Coke cans has prompted some critics to ask whether Coca-Cola would change its designs for Christmas from polar bears and penguins to include the Christian cross. Or to include the Star of David for those who celebrate Hanukkah.

Coca-Cola has not yet responded to Fox News about the story.

From The Rite Wing


Anonymous said...

Don't hold your breath.

Anonymous said...

Yes, how will Christianity ever survive if it's not represented on the can of a soft drink?

C'mon, does this REALLY matter?

Bob Ellis said...

You have a good point, Anonymous.

But then, it's also a good point that many companies and government entities will shamelessly pander to Islam when at best they'll only ignore Christianity. What does that say about them?

Anonymous said...

If these same companies start representing Christianity while ignoring other religions, I doubt you'd still call it pandering. In the end, though, it really doesn't matter. Maybe you should write about something that does.

Bob Ellis said...

You'll notice that I didn't give this a lot of ink (in fact, the text in the main post is from the description provided by The Rite Wing).

Still, Coke is a company from a nation founded by Christians on Christian principles which is still predominately Christian...and while Coke honors Islam with the symbol of it's faith, Christianity gets polar bears and Santa Claus?

What's wrong with this picture?

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with this picture is that you seem to have such little confidence in your own faith that you think unbalanced corporate attention poses a legitimate threat to a religion that's lasted two thousand years.

If Christianity can withstand everything that's transpired in opposition to it throughout history, I doubt a star and crescent on a Coke can will matter. Stop making something out of nothing.

Bob Ellis said...

I didn't say it was a threat. If the Roman Empire couldn't wipe out Christianity in its infancy, it'll be fine.

What I did say is that it seems out of order for Coke to treat Islam with such reverence while making a joke of one of the two holiest days of Christianity.

Stop pretending there's nothing noteworthy about that.

Anonymous said...

I, a fundamentalist Christian, would be offended to see Christian symbols on soft drink containers. It would seem to be inappropriate pandering and disrespectful. So that is not the point. As Bob has said, the issue is that Coca Cola thinks it wise to pander to Islam in its advertising. This says something about Coca Cola, but even more about Islam.

Bob Ellis said...

You are very right, Dr. Theo, that it says something about Coke and Islam. I've been waiting since I posted this for someone to have the honesty to say what it is (I'm sure you have, too, since I know that you know), but we're still waiting...

Anonymous said...

If it bothers you so much, why don't you just boycott Coca-Cola?

Bob Ellis said...

I didn't say it bothered me that much...though if it did, boycotting Coke would probably be my response.

While we're here together, though, any idea what this does say about Coke and about Islam?

Anonymous said...

They're terrorists!!!1!1!!!!


Bob Ellis said...

Uh, no. You get two more guesses, though.

Anonymous said...


Bob Ellis said...

Steeeeeeeeeeerike Two!

Come on, now. I know you have it in you.

Make this third one count!

Anonymous said...

*Thinks real hard* ummmm...

Ok, I think I have it this time:

Every time I buy a Coke, half of the profits go to bin Laden, who will then use the money to purchase and train a battalion of armored Coke polar bears to invade Washington, ala The Golden Compass, and supplant future President Obama with Cat Stevens. Then, all American women will be forced to wear burqas, and you and I will have to grow beards. The Christians who refuse to convert will be ostracized, and when they've complained enough about wanting their religion shown on Coke cans, President Stevens will oblige. This will make the Muslims jealous, and the cycle will repeat itself.

Whoa, you were right -- this IS bad!

Bob Ellis said...

Anonymous, I have to say, you get an A+ with a gold star for ingenuity and wit. :-)

But unfortunately that wasn't the answer we were looking for.

Next contestant, please...

Anonymous said...


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