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Friday, March 30, 2007

The Thought Police of Public School

From WorldNetDaily:

Derek had been asked to participate in a classroom discussion about "school shootings and safety," said the sixth grader's father, Tim Loutzenheiser.

"My son simply stated that his opinion was that he would feel safer if some of the adults at the school were trained and allowed to carry firearms," Mr. Loutzenheiser told WorldNetDaily.

His reply caused him to be "flagged" as a potential violence risk by teachers and school administrators, who then contacted his parents to suggest they meet with the school's "Hazard and Risk Assessment Team."

Huh? I know there are a lot of pansies out there, but come on!

The article goes on to reveal what is probably more to the heart of the school officials' concerns: the kid is a Right-wing wacko! And here's where they want to get the Thought-Police on the case:

In resulting talks with school officials, Loutzenheiser said he learned that his son "often spoke favorably about the First and Second Amendments, but the comment he made to his Social Studies teacher was the one that triggered this action."

School officials told the couple that because of Derek's comments he should be separated from the other students and forced to enter the school's "Mentor" program, where he would be studied by an adult supervisor who would monitor Derek's thought processes.

Segregated and reeducated for supporting the U.S. Constitution!

And some wonder why my children are homeschooled.


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