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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Resurrecting the Equal Rights Fossil

I knew the liberals were going to go nuts when they got control of Congress back, and they're predictably proving me correct.

Feminists in Congress--and their useful idiots--are trying to resurrect the old Equal Rights Amendment.

From CNS News:

'It's been a long, hard fight for women's equality,' Maloney said Monday at the Women's Equality Summit hosted by the National Council of Women's Organizations in Washington, D.C.

'We've achieved a lot for women -- even in my lifetime,' she said. 'But we have not done enough.'

I think these liberals realize women are getting a fair shake these days. They're just mad at God for having made them a woman.

I honestly don't know why they so loathe their own femininity.


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