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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Second Anniversary: Remembering

March 31st will mark the second anniversary of the court ordered death of Terri Schiavo, the disabled Florida woman sentenced to death by starvation and dehydration. A sentence that took 13 days to complete. Thirteen days of torture and unbelievable agony, though someone (Felos) would say he never saw her looking more beautiful than as she did in her death process. Thirteen days compared to the 34 minutes some worried about the convicted murderer having to suffer! The courts and law enforcement never noticed that something wasn't quite right?

Michael shows no signs of compassion, in what I have read, but instead calls Bobby Schindler a pro-life activist as though that is somehow something for Bobby to be ashamed of. And worse, as we enter this anniversary, Michael Schiavo isn't mentioning Terri and missing her or how sad what happened to her. Instead, he is trying to raise $50,000 by midnight March 31st so he can continue his fight to supposedly protect "liberty and privacy".

I wonder if he even remembers what happened on March 31, 2005?


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