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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Feminist Bait and Switch

Hey, Chad: I'm sure you already know this, but the efforts to resurrect that old 70s relic called the Equal Rights Amendment are just a bait-and-switch to get more of the liberal shopping list.

Women already have equal rights and already have equal opportunity. Any disparity in pay is due to factors other than gender itself, such as family priorities. If a woman puts family needs before job needs, she won't be paid and promoted as well...but neither will a man.

I've hired plenty of men and women, and not once did their sex factor into either the hiring or what they were paid, or in any promotions. And I've never seen anyone else factor that into their decisions, either.

But I have seen supervisors and managers weigh the commitment level of an employee when considering them for pay increases and promotions. If they know they can count on the employee to be there any time, all the time, and perhaps also for overtime, that employee is going to advance faster than one who only works the required amount and/or takes time off for family considerations.

Once, when I was being considered for a new position, I was identified by a senior manager as not being "a player" because I wouldn't work the extra hours some thought I should. Nothing unfair about that; certain positions, especially upper management ones, require extra commitment, and if you can't or won't give it, then you don't meet the requirements of the position. After all, businesses exist to produce goods or services and make money, not function as social caregivers.

But as I said, the ERA resurrection efforts aren't really about that anyway. It's about making inroads for special homosexual "rights" and paving the way for even more abortions, and things like that.

Bait-and-switch is the oldest trick in the liberal playbook; inciting envy and a feeling of victimization is their favorite way of fooling people into accepting some new piece of societal rot.

But then, I'm sure you already knew all this anyway. :-)


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