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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

California Marriage Amd Now Ahead in Poll

Since judicial activists in California's Supreme Court took the role of legislature and declared a "right" for homosexuals to call their unions "marriage" in California back in May, defenders of marriage are pinning their hopes on Proposition 8 to define marriage as between a man and a woman in the state constitution.

Despite the fact that California voters passed a Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defining marriage as between a man and a woman by 61% in 2000, a slim majority of the California Supreme Court decided to usurp the will of the people and the role of the legislature and declare that homosexual couples could "marry."

Organizers of an effort to put marriage into the California constitution--and thus beyond the reach of activist judges--went ahead with their petition drive and got Proposition 8 on the ballot for November.

The Proposition 8 effort took a hit when California Attorney General Jerry Brown rewrote the ballot initiative with prejudicial language which made it sound as if an established "right" was being taken away from homosexuals, and not protecting an institution as old as humanity itself.

But according to the Baptist Press, a new SurveyUSA poll has found that after Yes on 8 released its first television ad, the marriage protection amendment now leads 47-42%.

The ad shows an arrogant homosexual activist San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom telling a crowd that homosexual "marriage" is going to be forced on the people of California "whether you like it or not."

According to DOMA Watch, 27 states have so far adopted marriage amendments.


Anonymous said...

Why do you hate your fellow Americans?

Bob Ellis said...

Why do you, Kenny?

Anonymous said...

The whole motive behind the gay marriage thing isn't about civil rights or gay rights or even to destroy a cultural institution. It's so they can have divorces....in divorce court....with settlements.

Anonymous said...

Gay couples want to marry just so they can break up and make a little money from it? That's probably the most cynical (and stupid) argument I've ever heard, manwithnoname.

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