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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, October 11, 2008

Americans Don't Believe Pro-Big-Government Spin on Financial Crisis

Just when it seems you're about to lose all hope, afraid that too many Americans have bought into the Marxist propaganda spewed non-stop by the "mainstream" media, a light shines forth out of the darkness to give you hope.

So it was today as I read at Fox News that a majority of Americans see government not as the savior in the current financial crisis, but as the villain.

A 53 percent majority thinks government involvement is not part of the solution at all, but part of the problem. This view is more intense among Republicans (69 percent) and independents (59 percent)--though a large minority of Democrats (40 percent) also views government involvement in a negative light.



Anonymous said...

Really? That's different than what I've been hearing. I've heard that most Americans want the government to do something about this crisis but are unhappy with what the government has been trying to do so far.

Bob Ellis said...

Yeah, that's the spin you've been hearing, Anonymous.

Haven't you figured out yet that the liberal elites and their accomplices in the "mainstream" media have a standard practice of telling us what we want and expecting us to follow through on what they told us we want?

Sometimes we disappoint them, though.

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