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Monday, August 25, 2008

Update on Alpha Center Statement to Sioux Falls School Board

I just spoke with Kimberly Martinez, Executive Director of the Alpha Center a few minutes ago about her statement to the Sioux Falls School Board.

Her statement addressed the controversy over the the recent Alpha Center ad in the Sioux Falls School Directory.

From what Martinez told me, her statement went pretty much as planned, though she said that before she made her statement, the board announced to all present that their policy on ads in the directory would be reviewed.

As her remarks indicated in the previous post, the ad was not directed at school children and was not political in nature, but was intended for the parents who are the ultimate recipients of the directories.

Martinez told me that because many hurting post-abortive women don't know where to turn for help, the Alpha Center ad is intended to help them find resources for recovery. Martinez told me she asked the board not to bar such ads in the future.

She said that more information will be provided on the Alpha Center website, and that she will provide me with additional information also.

Please check the Alpha Center site and Dakota Voice for further information as it becomes available.


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