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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pulling the Rug From Under Planned Parenthood

If you haven't followed Planned Parenthood very closely, you might not be aware of some of the things they're up to.

In addition to being the nation's biggest abortion provider (taxpayer funded, at that), they've also dispensed a lot of contraceptives to young people, including some condoms with the highest failure rates around.

But they're also giving your teenager sex advice...a lot of it bad advice.

For that reason, according to CNS News, some U.S. House Republicans say it's time to end taxpayer funding for this irresponsible organization.

Planned Parenthood operates a website called teenwire.com which dispenses this bad advice to your children. Here's what CNS News has to say about it:

As Cybercast News Service reported on Feb. 26, teenwire.com recommends viewing "sexy pictures or movies" as a way for young couples to enjoy "safer sex."

The Web site notes that federal law prohibits porn viewing by anyone under 18. "However," it says, "not everyone follows the rules, and you may run across some porn before you turn 18."

It goes on to say that "many people enjoy pornography alone or with a partner as part of sex play. People have different ideas of what is arousing, and there are many different kinds of porn that appeal to people's different interests."

The lawmakers reviewed other content from the site, including graphic illustrations from "Behind the Fig Leaf," a slide show depicting the differing "styles" of male and female genitalia.

In 2005, some controversy arose over some sex ed materials in Sioux Falls schools which included references to teenwire.com. At that time, I examined the website for myself and found, among others, these topics for teens:

- "Communication is key when it comes to oral sex"

- "Yeast Infections 101"

- "Childcare programs to help teen parents stay in school"

- References to pro-homosexual websites like “Outproud” if you have questions or doubts about your sexual orientation

- Sexual arousal

- Losing your virginity

- Masturbation

- Relationships ("My boyfriend wants oral sex all the time, but I hate doing it")

Wholesome, responsible stuff, huh?

Earlier, in 2004, the teenwire.com site was also the subject of controversy in South Dakota when it was discovered that the state library website was linking to the site. The link was subsequently removed over concerns about the appropriateness of the material for teens.

There is simply no reason our hard-earned taxpayer dollars should be going to an organization that murders a quarter of a million children every year, hands out defective condoms, provides cover for child molesters, and seeks to turn our teenagers into sex maniacs.

It's time to push Planned Parenthood away from the public trough and let them pursue their sexual anarchist agenda on their own dime.


Leslie said...

And they happily take money to abort babies
of what ever race you would like to impact,
per this recent sting:


Anonymous said...

This is the devil's corporation. Please see my website:


Billy Kess

Anonymous said...

You're opposed to teaching teenage girls about yeast infections, a common medical problem that affects millions of women, whether or not they're sexually active? Seriously?

You also appear to have a problem with "Childcare programs to help teen parents stay in school," which is interesting considering you obviously would not rather they opt for an abortion. So a teenager decides to give birth and raise her baby, and you're OPPOSED to her being able to continue her education and therefore make a better life for herself and child? Very telling.

Oh, and the teenwire answer to the question you flagged as being apparently unwholesome and irresponsible ("My boyfriend wants oral sex but I hate doing it") is this:

"...No one should feel pressured into or have to do something sexually that they don't like doing. Partners should be attentive to each other's pleasure and respect each other's limits."

I'm not surprised you didn't include the answer, since it's pretty much the definition of responsible and respectful. It was a perfectly acceptable answer to a very common and unfortunate situation. So much for caring about teenagers. I forgot that if you refuse to educate them and force them to pray, they'll magically be chaste until they find themselves in a good old fashioned heterosexual marriage that has a 50% chance of working out! Good plan, guys.

If your agenda is so righteous, why do you need to lie and deceive ALL the time?

Bob Ellis said...

Anonymous, what I'm opposed to with regard to Planned Parenthood is (a) killing unborn children through abortion, and (b) teaching children--and adults--that they have no control over their hormones, so should just make sex outside marriage as "safe" as possible.

If children are given a consistent message to wait until marriage to have sex, very few will have to worry about caring for a child while finishing their education--while they're still a child themselves. We didn't have the kind of teen pregnancy rates we do now, back when kids received a consistent, firm message from parents, church, school and the rest of society.

And if you're advocating abandoning the no-fault divorce to the ash heap of terrible ideas, and going back to a standard of gross violation of marital responsibility (i.e. infidelity, abuse, etc.), hey, I'm with you there! We didn't have this kind of divorce rate until liberals messed this up, too.

With regard to the oral sex question, what about the parts you seem to have missed:

"Some people enjoy giving oral sex whether or not they are being stimulated at the same time. Some people can only enjoy giving oral sex while they are being stimulated at the same time. And some people do not enjoy providing or receiving oral sex at all."

How about this answer: "NO one should be giving or receiving oral sex unless they are married to one another."

Or how about this useful information:

"Remember, unprotected oral sex (without using a condom or other barrier) puts both partners at risk for a number of sexually transmitted infections, whether they are giving or receiving genital stimulation. These infections include gonorrhea, syphilis, chancroid, herpes, hepatitis B, cytomegalovirus, human papilloma virus (HPV), herpes, and, rarely, HIV and chlamydia. For safer oral sex, use a condom to cover the penis, or a Glyde dam or plastic wrap to cover the vulva or anus."

Is this the advice most parents would give their children? Is this the advice most parents want their children to be given?

Not "Don't do it," but "Use a condom or something to give yourself a sense of security." No mention that these may still fail to protect, even if used correctly, or the spiritual and emotional cost of having sex outside of marriage.

You might as well give your kid the same advice about playing in the street: "Suzie, I know you're going to play in the street no matter what I say, so make sure you wear your helmet and elbow pads when you do."

God made animals to act on instict. God made humans with a free will and a moral conscience. God wouldn't have condemned certain acts if we had no ability to restrain ourselves from those acts.

If you really cared about people, you'd warn them of the physical, emotional and spiritual consequences of sex outside of marriage instead of enabling and approving such behavior.

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