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Friday, February 29, 2008

Ad Fights Berkeley Council Anti-Americanism

I wish we could move these ungrateful, anti-American slimes in Berkley somewhere outside our country and let them fend for themselves, since they have such contempt for our men and women in uniform.

Television commercial by the pro-troop organization, Move America Forward against the Berkeley City Council.

On January 29, 2008 the Berkeley City Council passed anti-military resolutions, asking for residents to "impede" the work of recruiters and calling the Marines and their recruiting office "uninvited" and "unwelcome intruders."

Sign the petition at www.MoveAmericaForward.org and join the pushback against the anti-military Berkeley City Council.


Anonymous said...

The petition

We, the undersigned condemn the Berkeley City Council’s treasonous attack on US Marine Recruiters stationed in their city. We ask that Congress cut off funds from any and all municipal entity within the confines of the city of Berkeley, California, until such time as the city council withdraws it’s action.

The City Council has voted to tell the Marines their downtown recruiting station is not welcome and “if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome guests.”

The measure passed last week by a vote of 8-1.

The council also voted to explore enforcing a city anti-discrimination law, focusing on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

In a separate item, the council voted, also 8-1, to give the Marxist protest group Code Pink a parking space in front of the recruiting office once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week.


If you wish to, please share with your friends or e-mail to your address books. You DO NOT have to donate at the petition site, there will be a page asking for one for the site after you sign, just back out or exit. Your signature will already be on the petition.


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