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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Pro-Abort Boycott of SD Fizzles

From the Rapid City Journal today:

When the state Legislature overwhelmingly approved HB1215 in February, the Women’s Medical Fund, an abortion-rights organization based in Madison, Wis., urged its supporters to avoid South Dakota during their summer travel.

“When the thing was still fresh and in the headlines, there was some e-mail traffic on it,” Honerkamp said. “Most of it was pretty radical stuff, even bizarre — hate e-mails, almost — saying that they were coming to South Dakota, but now, we could forget that.”

Tourism in the region was up 2 percent to 4 percent in April and May, Honerkamp said. That trend continued until mid-June, when travel slipped for about 10 days, he said.

“We had a stall there, and I don’t know what caused it,” he said. “We probably won’t recover that. But it’s picked up again since that dip.”

I thought 1215 was supposed to be the end of life as we know it in South Dakota? Er, no, the lack of 1215 means the end of lives in South Dakota.


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