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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, July 06, 2006

Adelstein may run as Democrat?

The Rapid City Weekly News is reporting that Stan Adelstein, who recently lost the Republican Dist. 32 race for state senate, may run openly as a Democrat in the general election.

he is now considering switching parties and running in the Nov. 7 general election as a Democrat. For that to happen, Tom Katus, the Democratic nominee for state Senate District 32, would have to step aside.

To me, this says Adelstein is either:

(a) addicted to power

(b) bent on revenge

(c) so affected by (a) and/or (b) that he's finally willing to come out and run openly as a Leftist (Rapid City area folks may recall he tried to pass himself off as "pro-life" in the recent primary :-)).

If nothing else, I'm always glad to see it when people finally operate under their true colors. People--especially voters--should know what they're getting.


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