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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Libs Try to Turn US into Twilight Zone

So funny because it's so true! Check out Vernon Robinson's Twilight Zone ad:

Human Events compares Robinson to Ann Coulter (and he wears it as a badge of honor).


Angie said...

Wow, it must be a huge honor to be compared to Ann Coulter, who has become famous (or infamous) for making outlandish, inflammatory statements just to sell more books. In fact, she's gone so far that Bill O'Reilly told her to tone it down. Wow, can you imagine?

Yup...what an honor. Gee, where do I sign up for that?

Dakota Voice said...

I'm not sure whether you libs simply can't grasp the truths Ann conveys so unabashedly (after all, you're so used to quiveling and sniveling before evil that a straight dose of the truth could be difficult for you to handle), or whether you guys say she's just doing it to "sell more books" because you simply don't understand what it is to do something out of conviction. Or is it just an attempt to try to undermine her sincerity?

Hard to say. Libs are so duplicitous and juvenile, the possibilities are almost endless...

By the way, you can't sign up for a job like Coulter's until you get some values (good ones, that is).

Angie said...

God, Bob, you're soo right. I am (along with all other progressive liberals both in SD and nationwide) completely devoid of [good] values. I mean, we support things like health care reform and not torturing people, and maybe even spending a fraction of what we spend on war on education.

Wow, whereever did we go wrong? It's a good thing that we have you and Ann "Nugget o' Truth" Coulter to point us in the right direction.

Dakota Voice said...

Glad to be of service, Big Liberal. I think most conservatives support health care reform, too; we'd simply rather turn it back over to the free market instead of a government-subsidized and insurance-fueled nightmare. We're not into torturing people either, unlike the Islamic radicals the Left refuses to condemn. I'm pretty sure the people they've killed, raped, burned and hacked the limbs off would be glad to trade their treatment for a bag over their head or a dog barking at them. Wooooooooo, Americans are soooooo mean! And as for education, we should at least be smart enough not to continue throwing money down a bottomless pit. Paying teachers better is a good thing, but wasting more money on bureaucracy, not to mention teaching how to put condoms on (I mean, who can't figure that out) isn't very smart. Ed spending has skyrocketed in the past few decades, while performance blows chunks. Until we get (a) more parental involvement and parental responsibility for child education and (b) less bureaucracy and (c) less waste in the education system, throwing more money at the problem isn't smart. Besides, we're spending somewhere less than 16% of our national budget on defense (ON DEFENSE--THE THING THAT PRESERVES OUR LIVES AND OUR WAY OF LIFE!!!). If you proposed shifting some of the 48% of our budget that goes directly to socialist programs, I might be pursuaded to go along. But defense is one of the few constitutionally authorized areas of spending. It also keeps us alive and free. Let's not shortchange our safety to pay for more lessons in condom useage.

Also, please don't take the Lord's name in vain. I realize you may be Godless, but please respect that there are those of us that respect Him.

Angie said...

Bob, I am not "godless." The difference between you and me seems to be that I've got this crazy idea that God loves everyone, even sinners (aka: everyone). A parent doesn't stop loving a child after that child makes x number of mistakes. If an Earthly parent is capable of that kind of love, what gives you the idea that God is not infinately more capable of that?

And talk about hypocritical. I'm the "godless" one, but you would let the free market dictate the health care system, leaving middle and lower-class Americans hoping and praying that they don't get a major illness or injury. You would have us torturing people, which typically involves a bit more than bags and barking dogs, especially when we use extraordinary rendition (when we outsource our torture to places like Jordan and Saudi Arabia).

Apparently, God is okay with ignoring the poor and with torturing and abusing His children.

Oh wait...Jesus said "Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me."

Who's the godless one, Bob?

Dakota Voice said...

EJP: Neither I nor what I seek leaves half our population illegitimate of opinion--their error leaves their opinion illegitimate. I'm not going to apologize for advocating what is right and true--what God tells the humans He created to do.

I do hope for the Rapture, but I reject your implication that the things I advocate are being done selfishly in order to hasten it. In fact, I catch myself sometimes thinking I should just quit trying to promote righteous things and just let the world go to Hell in a handbasket--which would almost certainly hasten the Rapture. But that's not what God called me to do--He called me to tell other people about His truth, and to be the salt and light of this fallen world. So I can't quit advocating Christian values and remain in a good relationship with Him.

I call for you to abandon the humanistic lie you've embraced that rejects what God has told us is right and join the Christian patriots of your country. God started a wonderful thing here some 230 years ago; stop trying to tear it apart with license, permissiveness, immorality, Godless humanism, and lack of responsibility.

Was Christ propagating hate when He said He was THE way, THE truth and THE life, and that NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him? Was he propagating hate when he told people to sin no more? You don't love someone by pretending the bad things they're doing are okay; you're just being selfish in not wanting to be thought of as "closed-minded" or "fundamentalist" or "religious." If someone has cancer, is it loving to pretend the cancer is normal, natural and healthy? I think even a liberal can figure that out.

I don't hate anyone on the Left, anymore than Christ hated the drunks and whores He hung out with. But I do hate the lies being promoted and repeated by the Left; I hate them for the damage and destroyed lives they leave in their wake. I hate them for the unmet expectations, the broken dreams, the destroyed bodies and devastated sprits they leave behind. Just as Christ looked at Jerusalem and wept that they had rejected Him, I look at my once-Godly country and weep at their rejection of Him. Just as Christ was angered at the liars and charlatans in the temple, and kicked over their tables, so I am righteously angry at those who take advantage of the lost and lead them further astray.

I pray God's Holy Spirit will be able to open your eyes so you can finally see the truth. The way of the world is easier, but it leads to complete destruction.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 14:12)

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

Dakota Voice said...

Big Liberal: You're absolutely right that God loves everyone, whether they're born again or not. I'm also very thankful that He keeps on loving me despite my many mistakes.

The big thing that you liberals can't seem to grasp is that God is as holy as he is loving. If God was just some Santa Claus who just loved and loved and loved no matter what, He wouldn't have had to send His Son here to pay for our sins. Our sins have a price, a penalty--which is also an evidence that while God loves us, He doesn't love our sins.

You libs also seem to think that dispensing socialism is loving. Some $5 billion was supposed to end poverty, according to LBJ's "Great Society." Instead, some 30 years later and $6 TRILLION, the poverty rate was exactly the same--and many people had come to accept it as a way of life.

You see, nowhere does God teach us to have government take care of people. PEOPLE are supposed to take care of people. That allows relationships to be built, accountabilities to be put in place, and lives to be changed. A government paycheck with no accountability demeans the human spirit and encourages graft, dependency and a sense of entitlement. The apostle Paul issued a number of instructions to the new Church in the 1st Century because already people were misunderstanding this, and failing to take into consideration that human beings are sinful by nature, and will take advantage of assistance if accountability is not firmly in place. Adding more socialism just pushes the poor farther and farther down.

And as for that torture, do you mean the kind that the Islamofacists have perpetrated on our people, such as burning them alive and cutting their heads off? You mean the kind of torture that the Left seems to have no problem with if it's done by Islamofacists, communists and other despots?

I don't know your heart, Big Liberal, so I can't say for sure whether you're completely Godless. But my Lord did say that His children would be known by their fruits. And when people on the Left typically work very hard to see that God is marginalized and His presence is removed from any sort of public expression, that fruit tells me something--because His kids are usually pretty proud of Him. It also tells me something when folks on the Left typically have a very superficial knowledge of the Scriptures; just enough so they can quote "Judge not lest ye be judged" or some other popular verse out of context, with no understanding of what He was trying to tell us.

So when someone acts ashamed of God, and pretends He didn't tell us the things He told us because what He said is inconvenient, that fruit tells me one thing.

But the good news is that, until you're dead, it's never too late to come to Him. Till you're dead, it's never too late to abandon our way of doing things and do it His way. We started trying to do things our way in the Garden, and we ruined paradise. If we'll just humble ourselves and do things His way, a little bit of that paradise can come back.

Anonymous said...

Bob, you r nuts, I think you need a long rest in a padded room. You say you love your fellow man but everything you say runs counter to that. We are a secular nation Bob, that is why the founders, on their own, decided it would be good to separate the two. After living under church control of government in England, they knew the problems it could foster. Revisionist history is not fact. In American we are free to not believe in Jesus, or believe what we wish. I believe you are an extremist Bob, and the rant my short note triggered in you, supports my case. Get some help.

Dakota Voice said...

Anon4:16 - Nothing I've said counters my love for my fellow man. You libs just can't seem to grasp that it isn't love to turn a blind eye to sin and depravity; it isn't love to affirm someone who is doing something bad; it isn't love to give someone something they haven't earned just because they say they need it. That kind of "love" breeds decadence, disrespect for all things good, and demeans human dignity.

Further, the Founders didn't set up a secular nation in the sense you claim. We do not have a religious government in the same sense as most Islamic countries, but neither was God and government to be separate. In fact, they saw such a separation as ruinous to our country. Consider these quotes from the founders (you can find them elsewhere on this blog, too):

President George Washington: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports."

Thomas Jefferson: "Among the most inestimable of our blessings, also, is that... of liberty to worship our Creator in the way we think most agreeable to His will; a liberty deemed in other countries incompatible with good government and yet proved by our experience to be its best support."

John Quincy Adams: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Thomas Jefferson: "And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God?"

Patrick Henry: "Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings...There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations...Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!"

President George Washington: "And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."

John Quincy Adams: "Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer's mission upon earth? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?"

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787: "Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind..."

Also consider Theodore Roosevelt, who came a little later (about 100 years ago), but who was significant enough to America that he's carved on Mt. Rushmore:

"The true Christian is the true citizen."


"In occupying an exalted position in the nation, I am enabled, to preach the practical moralities of the Bible to my fellow-countrymen and to hold up Christ as the hope and Savior of the world."

You are indeed correct that revisionist history is not fact--so why do you secular leftists keep trying to rewrite history so that it appears we were founded a godless country? You can keep on repeating the lie in the hopes that people will believe it, but the facts of history simply do not support it, and myself and others will always be here to ensure you don't get away with the lie.

Anonymous said...

YOu know Bob He also told people to tell them once and if they did not follow the message to move on. He also told us to pray in our homes and not on the street corners like the hypocrites. I believe the Framers created a secular nation so people as you could not throw our democracy in the toilet. By saying you are not making half the country illigitamate their opinions are, you are making a smokescreen and providing cover for your own mis directed ideals. Plenty of ongodly behavior is done by followers. Jefferson hated the Bible my friend and that did not make him a bad aAmerican just a bad Christian. I don;t expect to change your mind because it obviously has gone too far to accept responsibility for itself, In fact you use God to justify your errant thinking, and that, is the saddest thing of all. By the way, your idea of promoting is what is sending us to hell in a handbasket. What will you do if when you get to heaven after you die, there are gay people there?

Dakota Voice said...

EJP: I'd love to tell people once and just move on, but the Left keeps telling lies about America's Christian heritage, and I don't think God is in favor of letting a lie stand as truth, so that lie must be answered.

The reason Jesus told us to pray in our homes and not like the hypocrites is because the Pharisees were looking to impress people with their piousness. Christians in America aren't looking to impress people with their prayers, just acknowledge God for His providence.

You may believe the Framers created America as a secular nation, just like you can believe the earth is flat, but you'd be wrong on both counts, and there is overwhelming evidence to disprove both notions. America's Christian heritage doesn't threaten democracy--it supports and protects it. God wants everyone to come to His truth, but he doesn't force anyone to accept it; they can go to Hell if they so choose. Religious freedom in America is the same way; it's founded on Christian principles that honor God, yet allow people to believe in other gods if they want to. You can believe in the god of the flashlight if you want to, but to say that America was founded on the principles of the god of the flashlight, or no god at all, is an outright lie and it will not be allowed to stand.

By the way, I try to adjust my thinking to God's way of thinking; I don't try to adjust Him to mine. That's where you libs get off track; you think you can twist His Word to support your Godless socialist agenda. The simple fact is, God doesn't see things that way, and it's our responsibility to adjust to His way, since He's the boss and He created all things.

The things I'm promoting aren't what's sending us to hell in a handbasket; they are the ideals that made America a great nation. You might also note that before we started kicking God out of public life in America in the 1960s, we didn't have high teen pregnancy rates, high crime rates, kids killing their parents, and kids killing each other in school. Before that, the biggest problems faced in our schools were chewing gum and throwing spit wads. Our prisons weren't nearly as full, either. No, doing things God's way diminishes the population of our prisons--and the population of Hell.

And as for homosexuals in heaven, I probably will see some there, just as I'll see drunks and liars and all sorts of other sinners. I have my own pet sins, but because I've accepted the grace bought for me by Jesus Christ, I'll be able to be there. Homosexuality by itself won't keep you out of heaven; only rejecting Jesus' grace will do that. But I don't run around saying my sins are normal, natural and healthy--and people who practice homosexual acts shouldn't either. As I do, they should be praying and striving to leave those sins behind. You can never be free of your sins if you won't admit they are sins.

Dakota Voice
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