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Friday, September 19, 2008

Biden, Pelosi Determined to Turn Catholics Away From DNC

Joe Biden loses Barack Obama the Catholic vote
More, as promised, on Senator Joe Biden (why should Sarah Palin get all the coverage?). Remember, you read it here first: on September 11 this blog reported a mounting backlash from Catholic bishops against Biden, Barack Obama's "Catholic" pro-abortion running mate. At that time I estimated eight bishops had come out to denounce Biden; the total is now 55. Beyond that, Biden is being trashed across every state of the Union by Catholic newspapers, TV and radio stations, and blogs. It is a tsunami of rejection.

Joe Biden has really put his foot in it with the Catholics
The story has now hit the secular media. Last Saturday Time magazine asked: "Does Biden Have a Catholic Problem?" By Wednesday the issue had moved onto the front page of the New York Times. Joe the Jinx has blown it, big time. Biden has only himself to blame: he started this war, with his notoriously undisciplined mouth. He knew the dangers. Last August, Archbishop Raymond Burke, former Archbishop of St Louis and now Prefect of the Apostolic Segnatura in Rome, said communion should be denied to pro-abortion politicians "until they have reformed their lives". London Telegraph

The Roman Catholic Church of the 1970s and '80s, infused with liberalism on almost all social issues, has been harshly shaken from its smug complacency by scandals and shrinking attendance. The ascendancy of two relatively conservative Popes, both loved and admired by Catholics and non-Catholics alike, has advanced doctrinal conservatism and has caused many in the Church leadership to become less tolerant of doctrinal apostasy. American bishops are saying enough is enough. Support Church doctrine or quit calling yourself a Catholic.

Theologically conservative Christians of all denominations, as well as many Jews, applaud the bishops in their willingness to stand for what is morally right and see in these politicians moral inconsistencies that cause some to wonder about their veracity and sincerity on other issues. Pelosi, Biden, et al may be shoring-up their political base but are turning away a huge constituency that once was owned by Democrats.


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