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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hillary Clintons Difficult Relationship with the Truth

I've never met Hillary Clinton, but I've seen enough of her to know I hope I never do.

I have personally known one or two people like her--people who lie like most people breath--and hope that number stays small.

It's hard for the average person to accept much less understand how someone can tell brazen lies without the slightest hesitation and usually without detectable signs of deception. But having known a couple and spent some time around them, I can tell you that as hard as it is to believe that people like that exist, they do. And you'd be safer holding a rattlesnake in your hand, because at least then you'd understand the danger you faced.

How bad is Hillary's estrangement from the truth? So bad that even the liberal Carl Bernstein fully admits it.

NewsMax draws attention to a statement by Carl Bernstein:

In a Bernstein article that appears on the blog of CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, he quotes from “A Woman in Charge,” his 2007 Clinton bio:

“She has often chosen to obfuscate, omit, and avoid. It is an understatement by now that she has been known to apprehend truths about herself and the events of her life that others do not exactly share…

“Almost always, something holds her back from telling the whole story, as if she doesn’t trust the reader, listener, friend, interviewer, constituent — or perhaps herself — to understand the true significance of events.”

Bernstein writes on Cooper’s blog: “The Bosnian episode is a watershed event, because it indelibly brings to mind so many examples of this tendency — from the White House years and, worse, from Hillary Clinton’s take-no-prisoners presidential campaign. Her record as a public person is replete with ‘misstatements’ and elisions and retracted and redacted and revoked assertions.”

Hillary’s misstatement about Bosnia conjures up “another famous instance of faulty recollection,” Bernstein writes.

Bernstein, one of the Watergate journalists, is no Right wing hack. For him to admit what a liar Hillary Clinton is, her antipathy toward the truth must reach monumental proportions.

Remember when Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, a Democrat, admitted on a television show that Bill Clinton was "an exceptionally good liar?" That's how bad the Clintons are.

Anyone who has been around couples who have been married for many years can tell you that their characteristics meld over time, and one often fuels such tendencies in the other.

With both Bill and Hillary being the liars they are, can the United States survive them a second time?


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