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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Exposing the Minimum Wage Lie

Clark Sowers of Belle Fourche has an excellent Forum piece in the Rapid City Journal today entitled "Poverty not caused by businesses, but by lifestyles."

This section sums up his excellent analysis as good as anything:

One thing I can say as a business owner, I at least provide jobs; something a freelance writer and radio journalist, churches and even government doesn’t do without me and my fellow business owners.

What is most ironic is the desire of many people to artificially provide for those who already have the capacity to improve their lives by hard work, diligence and education.

These “poor” can change their lives if they choose to. There are untold inspirational stories of those who have done so.

Sowers also points out the irony (dare I say, bull) that pooh-poohs morality on one hand (when it opposes a liberal pet issue) but suddenly becomes pious when it can be twisted to support a liberal pet issue.

For the liberals who won’t want the “morality” of abortion shoved down their throat, it seems they want this “morality” shoved down mine.


The “bleeding hearts” who wring their hands over minimum wage choose to turn their backs on the unborn who never have the chance to be born, struggle and succeed or fail on their own merit because “government needs to concentrate on other “moral” priorities that “really matter.”

The unborn are the real “poor.”

Well done, Mr. Sowers!


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