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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Destructive Compassion

Dennis Prager's latest column is (as usual) excellent! It points out how utterly stupid our politically correct ideas of compassion have become--and how destructive they are.

Prager tells about a friend who attended his son's baseball game:

His son's team was winning 24-7 as the game entered the last inning. When he looked up at the scoreboard, he noticed that the score read 0-0. Naturally, he inquired as to what happened -- was the scoreboard perhaps broken? -- and was told that the winning team's coach asked the scoreboard keeper to change the score. He and some of the parents were concerned that the boys on the losing team felt humiliated.

What a bunch of wusses! Not the team that was losing, but the idiot coach and parents who treated the losing team like babies.

Prager's column points out the many areas in which this infantile politically correct "compassion" erodes the best values of society.

Reflecting on those areas, I recalled that some of my greatest triumphs and successes have come out of some of my greatest failures and embarrassments. Failure and embarrassment is a great motivator to get it right next time.

Prager points out how politically correct "compassion" drives a stake into the heart of justice:

Compassion in social policy almost always produces unfair results. Compassion for murderers allows them to keep their lives after taking the life of another. Compassion for minorities leads to affirmative action, which means that individuals who are not members of a designated minority will be treated unfairly. Compassion for immigrant children led to bilingual education, which subsequently prevented most of those children from advancing in American society.


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