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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ignorance or Revisionism?

From Nieman Watchdog:

I believe this to be the first time in modern American history that a president's religion, in this case his Christian fundamentalism, has become a decisive factor in his foreign and domestic policies. It’s a factor that has been under-reported, to say the least, and that begs for press attention.

If this guy defines "modern American history" as dating back to the beginning of the Clinton years, then maybe he has a case. Otherwise, he's woefully ignorant of American history, or he's one of these secularists who are desperately trying to rewrite history to make Americans think we've been a Godless nation until "religious fundamentalists" started trying to take over and create a "theocracy" during the Bush years.

Religious beliefs have been a decisive factor in the policy decisions of American presidents going all the way back to our first one (George Washington, not Bill Clinton); that is because America has been since before its official founding a Christian nation. The fact that presidents have been guided by their faith has continued from George Washington throughout most of our history, at least up to the point of Ronald Reagan's presidency. Everyone, especially doubters, should read "God and Ronald Reagan" by Paul Kengor. It is an absolutely amazing account of how Reagan's faith guided him in his presidency, especially in his fight and eventual victory over the "evil empire" of Soviet Communism.

This guy, like all secularists, is afraid of God. That's too bad, because God only wants the best for him and would love to make his life all that it can be. Yet that's a personal decision, one that even God won't supersede. But moving beyond a personal decision to reject God and into a position that encourages others to minimize and disregard God's relevance is dangerous territory. And trying to rewrite history is downright apalling.


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