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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, August 05, 2006

Diversity Festival: An Educating Event

A friend and I went to the Diversity Festival held in Rapid City today by some local homosexual activists and a group called "South Dakotans Against Discrimination" who want people to think that just because most South Dakotans won't call the same two men having sex together on a regular basis "marriage" that this constitutes discrimination.

It wasn't like some of those "pride" marches and stuff you see pictures of in the bigger cities, with a bunch of guys in full drag and leathers, but it was educating, nevertheless.

As I sat down to write up my observations, I ended up with more material than is really appropriate in a blog format, so I posted it as an editorial at You can go there to read the whole thing, but here's a small exerpt of some things I read today:

- “…being homosexual is not wrong or sinful in itself. But just as it is objectively wrong for unmarried heterosexuals to engage in sex, so too are homosexual acts considered to be wrong.”

- “Read within the context of their own historical and cultural backgrounds, the Bible texts do not address adult, loving homosexual relations as we understand them today.”


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