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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Ifill Already Disparaged Palin, More Expected Tonight

More evidence today that Gwen Ifill "moderating" tonight's vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin is a joke.

Though Ifill already has a clear track record of liberal extremism, Jim Meyers at NewsMax points out that some her bias is specifically toward Palin:

Later Ifill said about Palin: “Lots of talk about, what, gutting caribou or whatever — I shouldn’t say it this way — gutting caribou in Alaska, which I’m sure is a fine, fine thing to do.” That drew laughter from the audience. “What I’m just saying, we heard a lot more about what Sarah Palin did for sport or what she did as a mother or what she did — than what she did as a governor actually, the actual policy decisions.”

Some viewers complained of a “dismissive” look by Ifill when discussing Palin’s speech, and some said she wore a look of “disgust” while reporting on the GOP candidate.

Objectivity from the "mainstream" media? Expecting a fair shake from the "moderator" between the two candidates tonight?

How stupid do these elites think we are?

(Pretty stupid, apparently)


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