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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quality or Not -- Support the Woman: Hillary Clinton for President

by Carrie K. Hutchens

I find it totally offensive that some women are supporting Hillary Clinton simply because she is a woman. How disrespectful of self and others is that?

I believe that "qualified" and "quality" women should have an equal chance at being in law enforcement (or any other position being sought) as any "qualified" and "quality" man. However, I do not believe that women should have some free pass that skips the qualified and quality stage and puts totally unsuitable women in a position they (as individuals) have no business being in.

Responding to any call, promoting the "women's agenda" would be the last thing on my mind. I would want my fellow officers to be trained and capable. I really wouldn't be happy to know that my supposed backup was a female that was wearing the badge not because she deserved it, but because women's rights groups not only forced the door open for her -- they decreased "quality" in the process. Primary on my mind would be all of us getting home safely -- not that some points were made for the women's movement.

So what are women thinking in this voting process?

Do they want a "woman" so badly that they are willing to sell themselves out?

Do they think if we don't grab Hillary that we have lost all chances of putting a woman in charge of the White House ever?

Do they think Hillary Clinton is the last woman in the world?

Perhaps we should share the secret that there are plenty of truly qualified and quality women out there that could and would excel as our president. We don't need to settle. We don't need to lie, steal, cheat, or manipulate our way to the top position of our country. Instead, we need to be honest, able and ready to fight for right for all, rather than clinging to out-dated personal agendas that have turned destructive in nature and action.

Sexism has affected Hillary Clinton's campaign and she is complaining? Looks like the only way it has affected her campaign is to get her a blind following. A following that will vote for the woman irregardless of any reason they shouldn't. (Isn't this sexism in and of itself?)

Sexism? It isn't that HIllary Clinton is a woman that goes against her. It is that the woman is Hillary Clinton.

We don't have to settle and we shouldn't.

Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


Bob Ellis said...

Ironically many identity groups do that: choose the group identity over everything else, including principle. We see it a lot in minority communities, and even some Christians do it: if a politician says they're a Christian, some Christians will follow like in the pied piper.

Me, I'm a guy, but I'd vote for a gal like Margaret Thatcher (if she was an American) in a New York minute. She was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th Century. The problem with too many American female politicians is they're feminists who hold values counter to most average Americans. There are some exceptions, but too few exceptions.

Anonymous said...

Carrie Hutchens wonders what these women voters who support Hillary because of her gender are thinking. I suspect that they are not thinking critically, and are easily swayed by gender politics.

Now, would someone please tell Hillary and her friends that it is over. She lost, as in the race is no longer a race. The better candidate won.

Anonymous said...

What an idiot. Stick to law enforcement....politics is not your thing.

Hillary is MUCH more qualified than lil' man Barack. Get real. Go read "Living History" and then come back and write your opinion.

Are you even old enough to remember the gender bias women have faced throughout the years? The blatant sexism? You, as a cop, should know what its like to be a "woman" doing a "man's job". Its degrading and ridiculous!

Women aren't SOLELY supporting Hillary because she has ovaries...they're supporting her because she's uniquely qualified....AND, they have PRIDE in her because she's a woman!! You're confusing the "pride" factor with the "reason to vote" for a candidate.

Do you feel the same way about the 90% of blacks who are voting for Obama "because he's black"??? I don't see Hillary with 90% of the woman's vote, so your argument here is shamefully ignorant and uninformed.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Attorney in Florida, you are supporting a candidate who agreed that your vote shouldn't count -- until she needed it -- and you are calling me an idiot?????????

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton is the BEST potential candidate, and she also happens to be a woman. She is extremely intelligent, capable, strong, and experienced. You stupid moron-- what if someone said you only got YOUR job because you are a woman?

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Interesting! I wonder why you didn't say she possesses qualities such as honesty and integrity? But then, rather than support your statement and your candidate, you chose to resort to name calling. Why should this surprise me? It doesn't. During the DNC hearing yesterday, a Clinton supporter yelled insults at another Clinton supporter. Very telling! Very telling indeed!

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