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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, May 10, 2008

No Surprise. Pink Witchcraft!

“Code Pink Protesters Try Witchcraft at Anti-Marine Rallies”

The Fox News’ report that Code Pink is resorting to witchcraft in its attempt to interfere with operations at the Marine recruiting center in Berkeley comes as no shocker to those of us who have followed the antics of Code Pink at the Berkeley protests. The big event was to have taken place yesterday as part of Mother’s Day remembrance (no joke!). That they have chosen to shed the ruse de guerre of dissenting patriots and be themselves is, at least, somewhat refreshing, but not shocking.

Marine Capt. John Paul Wheatcroft had this to say about the plan: "I think witches won't shock me, but it'll be a change of pace, so that's nice. Do you think they'll bring their cauldron?"

Sadly, Zombie has not yet posted photos of the event but will likely have some up yet this weekend.


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