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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How are Abortions Performed?

Since we'll be voting on abortion in South Dakota in a few months, a wise and informed people should want to know exactly what it is we're voting for or against.

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, illustrates a couple of types of abortions in these videos.

The videos are not graphic, but they are descriptive. Think about these procedures in the months ahead as you consider your vote in November on Initiated Measure 11.

Suction Abortion

Fr. Frank shows the instruments of suction abortion and challenges abortion supporters. See the medical diagram of this procedure at http://www.priestsforlife.org/resources/medical/suctionweb.jpg

Dismemberment Abortion

Fr. Frank shows the instruments of dismemberment abortion and challenges abortion supporters. See the medical diagram of this procedure at http://www.priestsforlife.org/resources/medical/de.jpg


Anonymous said...

"Let know what we are talking about and let's work to bring it [abortion] to and end." Amen.

Thanks for posting, Bob. If Americans could witness just once the body parts of babies being sucked into a jar, there is no doubt in my mind that abortion would become illegal and punishable by long prison sentences. Ignorance and selfishness keep this abomination going.

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