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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More Aid to the Enemy from Hollywood

Why is that those who have perhaps been most blessed by the affluence our free society fosters, are the ones most quick to demonize this free country?

I'm talking about Hollywood, of course, as actress Sharon Stone becomes the latest to give aid and comfort to our bloodthirsty enemies. She does what many Leftists, inside and outside Hollywood, have done in recent years: denounce the most free, most just, most fair country in the world, and in doing so, strengthen and boost the morale of those who live to kill innocent people.

From WorldNetDaily:

Mideast terrorist leaders today thanked actress Sharon Stone for claiming to Arab media the U.S. used the Sept. 11 attacks as "pretext" for launching wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The terrorists stated Stone's remarks, published this week in Arabic, reinforce their views that current U.S. foreign policy is leading America toward destruction.

"What Stone said strengthens what we have been saying all along – that the Bush administration and the American evangelical Christians who control U.S. policy are leading America to defeat," said Muhammad Abel-Al, spokesman and senior leader of the Popular Resistance Committees terrorist organization.

Yes, the destruction of two skyscrapers, many other buildings, a strike on the Pentagon, and the destruction of three plane-loads of Americans, along with nearly 3,000 other Americans was just a flimsy "pretext" to attack the peace-loving terrorists and dictators in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Most average Americans know not to put a whole lot of value in statements made by a woman whose most noteworthy accomplishment was exposing her privates in a movie 16 years ago.

But those bent on killing and destroying will not hesitate to make the most of statements like this. Indeed, they encourage them in their efforts.

Regular Americans should denounce Stone and those like her as the traitorous, enabling filth they are. Does America have enough moral center remaining to do that?


Anonymous said...

Stone is a washed-up Hollywood has-been, who never had much talent except for spreading her legs. Islamic fundamentalist would point to her work and curse it as decadent, immoral, and a sign of western decay. Isn't it ironic that they will cite her opinions and use them as propaganda against the country that allowed her to acquire millions just for being a raunchy exhibitionist?

As former Sen. James Traficant used to say "Beam me up, Scotty!"

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