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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lindsay Lohan needs Teen Challenge

Lindsay is lost in the swill of degraded fame. She is alone. She needs help.
She needs people to love her as an eternal sister without strings and without judgement.

Lindsay needs freedom from addictions and the desperate hunger that only the tender acceptance of Jesus can satisfy.

There is a place where tough love and prayers and all the support one would need is prevalent. That place can be found all around America and it is called Teen Challenge. Chains fall there and angels sing Freedom.

Teen Challenge has been the answer to a higher percentage of addicts than any other program; and it is based on fundamental Christian Truths like obedience to the Ten Commandments and Trust in Jesus.

Millions of Dollars are given by Christians to help; so the cost is reduced to the public and to the individuals that need help.

Much of the leadership of the left hate Christ much more than addictions. They love power and government more than any "client".

When Jesus healed the blind man...the angry, politically correct didn't believe.

We must help the lost and the addicted in the best possible way for the least amount of expense. This makes sense!

Lindsay can be delivered and teen challenge could help her find Salvation.

May God Bless Lindsay Lohan;


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