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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, June 07, 2007

Poll: Most Realize Media Damaging Moral Values

From CNS News:

Sixty-eight percent of Americans say the media have damaged moral values in America, according to a report released Wednesday by the Culture and Media Institute (CMI).

The report also concludes that the more a person watches television, the less likely he or she is to believe that the media are influencing the nation's morals. CMI is a division of the Media Research Center, which is also the parent organization of Cybercast News Service.

I consider it a testament to the intelligence and observation skills of this 68% that they are aware of this, after at least a couple of generations of this assault.

That second paragraph quoted above is a testament to the "frog in boiling water" analogy; the boiling frog would, of course, say, "It's not hot in here."

A couple of other interesting finds:
The more a person watches television, the more permissive his attitudes toward sexual issues like sex outside of marriage, abortion and homosexuality are likely to be.

The more a person watches television, the less likely he is to value religious principles and obedience to God.

We are all responsible for our actions and attitudes, but we should also be working together to promote healthy attitudes in one another. Our culture used to do that: from the home, to the neighborhood, to the police station, to the pulpit...they were working on concert to instill values and accountability.

Now it's every man for himself, and our children (and culture) are the casualties.


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