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Friday, May 25, 2007

Merck's vaccine tied to 3 deaths

From WorldNetDaily, on the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine:

At least three deaths and more than 1,600 adverse reactions including spontaneous abortion and paralysis have been connected to Merck & Co.'s new vaccine for the human papillomavirus, a treatment the company has lobbied state lawmakers to make mandatory for young girls across the nation.

Maybe you want to take a chance like this with your daughter's health and life, but I'll teach mine to be sexually responsible and take my chances that she'll heed. She's a smart girl with the ability to control herself.


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Those, who wish to take control over OUR children, sure are careless with them, aren't they?

Fiction + Dreams = Join Me! said...

Glad to see this talked about. This vaccine is horrid and it will kill more before parents say NO.

Read reports here: http://www.judicialwatch.org/archive/2007/GardasilVAERSReports.pdf

And those are ONLY the HPV vaccine reports. Read page 119 especially. Makes my blood boil and should be criminal but isn't? how does that work.

The "medical" community can kill my child, and I'm without recourse when they do!

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

There are those who claim the rights to our children and the decisions involving them, while holding us parents accountable and responsible for the results when things go wrong.

This happened in Germany under Hitler, whether the public wishes to face it or not.

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