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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Who's On a Crusade?

From the Rapid City Journal today, the headline comes "Christian lawyers on a cultural crusade."

The implication here is that Christian lawyers are trying to change our culture. It talks about the Alliance Defense Fund and it's efforts to stop the ACLU and it's efforts to turn the United States upside down.

Who's on a crusade? I think even the casual observer realizes the ACLU is the group on the crusade to radically alter our culture. The ADF simply works to keep our culture as it is, if not turn it back to our historical roots.

BTW, even the Leftist Washington Post didn't use the misleading title the Journal put on the piece; they originall called it "Bringing the Church to the Courtroom."

Who else is on a crusade to change our culture (and rewrite history)?


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