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Friday, March 24, 2006

Bill Napoli Clarifies "Rape" Scenario

South Dakota War College has posted a clarification by Senator Bill Napoli of his much-condemned comments on a rape scenario as it might relate to the abortion issue.

As I had pretty much figured, the whole truth wasn't getting passed around. Here's part of the SDWC post:

Finally, my Religious Virgin statement. Molly Ivins, amazingly, got part of it right. The statement I made was just ONE example, not the ONLY example. During the interview, Fred de Sam Lazaro asked me for a scenario. I said, “Worst Case?” He said, “Yes.” My description was absolutely the worst case scenario I could think of that could happen to an innocent woman so traumatized both physically and psychologically by her attacker that she should possibly consider having an abortion, which could save her life. There are other examples to consider for an abortion to save a woman’s life. But, I was only asked for one.

Go to the cutting-edge South Dakota War College blog to read Bill's entire statement.


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